Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Journal Entry #9

In this activity, you will design one or more parts of your life plan. To focus your thoughts, glance back at Pilar's life plan and use it as a model.

1. Title a new page in your journal: MY LIFE PLAN. Below the title, complete the part of your life plan for your role as a student (career.)

My Dream: My dream is to be successful in a career that I love and look forward to going to everyday. I also want to get married, live in a nice big house, and have about 5 children. I know this seems pretty vague, but this all that I know I definately want in the future.

My Life Role: Currently I am just a collge student but in the Future I want to be the helper, and the go-to person in my career. I want to be a mother figure and I want people to feel like they can come to me for anything they need.

My Long-Term Goals in This Role:

My long term goals in my career are to
  • help troubled youth, or anyone that needs mental help. I want to inspire them and encourage them to do the best they can in their lives.
  • I want to give hope to anyone that needs hope.
  • I want to Make good money and be able to support my family.
  • I want to know that I made a difference in someone's life.

My long term goals as a college student are to
  • excel and graduate as soon as possible so that I can dive into my career and start helping people around 2013.
  • Achieve an Associate Degree by 2013

My Short-Term Goals in This Role: As a student my short-term goals are to
  • pass all my classes, and ace as many of them as I can by December 11.
  • Finish all the essays I have to write as soon as I can by the end of next week.
  • Enjoy this first semester of college before its over.

2. Write about what you have learned or relearned by designing your life plan.
By doing the life plan, I realized that I am going to have to work very hard to achieve my dream, meaning, I need to take school very seriously so that I can start my career as soon as possible. My long term goals are going to take a lot of dedication and sacrifiing to achieve them, but I know I can do it. In a previous hournal I stated that my change starts today, so from now on the choices that I make will have to benefit me and my goals somehow in the future. It's not just about getting through this semester, It's about excelling in every semester to come and doing the best I can in all of my classes. In terms of a career, I am extremely excited for when that day comes. I want to be needed and I want people to ask me for help. I learned that the hopes for my careers can become realities if I follow through with this life plan.

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